
5 min readSep 30, 2020


State of Mind: Your life is what you pay attention to. Think about it for a moment. What is on your mind right now? If you are anxious about finances, health, or other circumstances then your state of mind is upon those things. You could be looking out at a beautiful waterfall, but if your attention is elsewhere, it’s like you’re not even there, but instead, only worrying about your circumstances. This is why it’s a fair statement to say, what you dwell upon will dictate your experiences in life. Jesus repeatedly told his followers to set their minds on the heavenly things and to avoid the mire of earthly worries. A good example of wrongly placed attention happens in the Gospel of Luke when Martha and Mary hosted Jesus in their home. “Now as they were traveling along, He entered a village; and a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home. She had a sister called Mary, who was seated at the Lord’s feet, listening to His word. But Martha was distracted with all her preparations; and she came up to Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to do all the serving alone? Then tell her to help me.” But the Lord answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.”Luke 10:38–42. Here we see Martha distracted with her preparation to serve Jesus. She was doing what she thought was right and was frustrated that her sister wasn’t helping her. Yet, Martha was missing out on what was truly important, and that was, listening to the Words of life that Jesus was speaking. However, in contrast, Mary was paying attention to every word that was coming out of Jesus’ mouth and enjoying the good part. In life, our experiences on this earth are dictated by what we choose to set our thoughts upon. Even if we think we are doing something good, like Martha (serving Jesus), the worry of the moment can nullify the good works and produce bad outcomes (resentment towards her sister). The enemy knows this and constantly attempts to make us set our thoughts upon worry and fear. Remember, your experiences in life are what your thoughts are set upon. Make sure your thoughts don’t linger on the worthless cares of this world but instead set your mind on the things above.

Separation: Often, in the Bible, you see people separate themselves for a time of solitude to seek God. This has to do with shutting off the noise of the world and paying attention to the Almighty. It can be extremely difficult to hear from the Lord about personal matters with the constant chatter of the world around you. Your personal prayer time has most likely yielded some of the most refreshing and enlightening moments you’ve had with God. This is because you are intimately communing with Him without any distractions. Believers must develop their own prayer life and not exclusively lean upon the corporate prayer groups of the church. It is critical to know how to pay attention to God without the help of others. Corporate prayer and standing together in faith are of paramount importance as well, but it is equally important to know that you too can speak to the Lord, in solitude, to receive knowledge and understanding. This sounds basic, but many times in the church a solid personal prayer life is only talked about yet rarely taught. Start by praying in solitude at the end or beginning of the day and watch how quickly your relationship with God blooms. “But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.”Matthew 6:6.

In the End: The path of life can lead you in many directions, but ultimately it all ends. The business you created, the job you worked, the home you built, the things you collected, etc…One day, all those things will cease to exist. Moreover, those things will have required your time and attention so they better have been worth it. For the most part, a person usually regrets the attention they gave to their work at the sacrifice of their family. It is common for people to utter these words near the end of their life, “I wish I would have made more time for my family and built better relationships.” It can be a costly habit to only care about your business and deeply neglect your family, so take stock of what is truly important now and change your ways if you feel convicted. You only get one shot at life, make it a good one. “So teach us to number our days, That we may present to Thee a heart of wisdom.”Psalm 90:12.

Time Budget: Time is both the most valuable and misused asset among people. The more you treasure your time, the more you will live a purpose-filled life. Your attention is interwoven with your time budget, and that means, your attention must be paid for with your time. Social media, endless internet browsing, being a busybody, etc…are all activities that are designed to be addictive and quickly consume your days. Fight the urge in spending your most valuable resource on empty endeavors, but instead dedicate yourself to real knowledge and understanding. It takes time to create something of worth. Artistry and craftsmanship in any field are not accomplished overnight but must be given time to develop. Moreover, understanding the Word of God and the depth of His wisdom comes from the more time you spend reading your Bible. Your relationships with friends and family are fostered and strengthened as you pay attention to each other. Judge where you spend your time, and refocus your attention if you find yourself lacking in areas that need improving. “Making the most of your time, because the days are evil. So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” — Ephesians 5:16–17.

Focus: Many people suffer from the ability to focus on a task or a goal for sustained periods. We now live in a society where everything is on-demand. This has created an environment where everyday life is easier, but the unintended side-effect is that people are less inclined to stick with one particular activity for too long. Honing one’s focus is critical to achieving any difficult task. You can’t write a book if you’re surfing the internet all day. You won’t get in shape if you don’t habitually workout. You can’t move into your calling if you are only relying upon others to do the legwork for you. Sharpen your focus and pay attention to what is important. Don’t let your life pass because you are unfocused.




Written by traveltheroad

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